Movies like Jane Austen’s Mafia! to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Crime movie Jane Austen’s Mafia! with Billy Burke, Christina Applegate, Jay Mohr & Pamela Gidley & created by Jim Abrahams?

Movies like Jane Austen’s Mafia! with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Jane Austen’s Mafia!?

Takeoff on the Godfather with the son of a mafia king taking over for his dying father

TAGLINE: "See it early. Avoid the mob."

Its release date is Friday July 24, 1998

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Emigrant, Escape, Gangster, Italy, Mafia & Postman
Genre Comedy & Crime
Country The United States
Director Jim Abrahams
Starring Billy Burke, Christina Applegate, Jay Mohr & Pamela Gidley
Location Arizona, California & Nevada
Written by Greg Norberg, Jim Abrahams & Michael McManus
Cinematography Pierre Letarte
Music John Frizzel
Runtime 87 min

Other Comedy movies by Jim Abrahams

Big Business | Jun 10th, 1988

Big Business
6.3/10 | By Jim Abrahams
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Top Secret! | Jun 8th, 1984

Top Secret!
7.2/10 | By David Zucker, Jerry Zucker & Jim Abrahams
United Kingdom | Comedy
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Hot Shots! Part Deux | May 21st, 1993

Hot Shots! Part Deux
6.6/10 | By Jim Abrahams
The United States | Action, Comedy & War
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz