Movies like Jimi Plays Monterey to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Music movie Jimi Plays Monterey with Jimi Hendrix, John Phillips, Mitch Mitchell & Noel Redding & created by Chris Hegedus & D.A. Pennebaker?

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Jimi Hendrix's landmark concert in Monterey County Fairgrounds in California in which he plays signature songs like "Purp;e Haze," "Foxy Lady," and "Wild Thing."

TAGLINE: "Jimi Plays Monterey"

Its release date is Thursday October 23, 1986

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Concert Film & Woman Director
Genre Music
Country The United States
Director Chris Hegedus & D.A. Pennebaker
Starring Jimi Hendrix, John Phillips, Mitch Mitchell & Noel Redding
Written by N/A
Runtime 50 min

Other Music movies written by N/A

Cosmic Ray | Jan 1st, 1962

Cosmic Ray
7.0/10 | By Bruce Conner
The United States | History & Music
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