Movies like Jimmy Hollywood to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Jimmy Hollywood with Christian Slater, Harrison Ford, Joe Pesci & Victoria Abril & created by Barry Levinson?

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Jimmy Alto is an actor wannabe who stumbles into the role of a lifetime. He becomes a vigilante crime-fighter, aided by his sidekick William, who has suffered a head wound and has problems ...
Its release date is Wednesday March 30, 1994

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Topic Actors
Genre Comedy
Country The United States
Director Barry Levinson
Starring Christian Slater, Harrison Ford, Joe Pesci & Victoria Abril
Place Los Angeles & Movie Theatre
Written by Barry Levinson
Cinematography Peter Sova
Runtime 112 min

Other Comedy movies by Barry Levinson

Diner | Apr 2nd, 1982

7.2/10 | By Barry Levinson
The United States | Comedy & Drama
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Envy | Apr 30th, 2004

4.8/10 | By Barry Levinson
The United States | Comedy
Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Playstation Starz

Wag the Dog | Dec 25th, 1997

Wag the Dog
7.1/10 | By Barry Levinson
The United States | Comedy & Drama
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Other Comedy movies written by Barry Levinson

Toys | Dec 18th, 1992

5.0/10 | By Barry Levinson
The United States | Comedy, Fantasy & Science Fiction
Hulu Starz

Best Friends | Dec 17th, 1982

Best Friends
5.4/10 | By Norman Jewison
The United States | Comedy & Romance
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High Anxiety | Dec 25th, 1977

High Anxiety
6.7/10 | By Mel Brooks
The United States | Comedy & Music
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