Movies like Journey to the Center of the Earth to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Fantasy & TV Movie movie Journey to the Center of the Earth with David Dundara, Jeffrey Nordling, John Neville & Kim Miyori & created by William Dear?
Movies like Journey to the Center of the Earth with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Journey to the Center of the Earth?
Taking the title from the novel by Jules Verne, this story takes his basic premise of the desire to travel to the center of the Earth. The travelers, using their craft, penetrate an active ...
Its release date is Thursday July 1, 1993
Its release date is Thursday July 1, 1993
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Cryptography, Hollow Earth Fiction & Jules Verne |
Genre | Adventure, Fantasy & TV Movie |
Country | United States of America |
Director | William Dear |
Starring | David Dundara, Jeffrey Nordling, John Neville & Kim Miyori |
Place | Hamburg, Iceland & Sicily |
Time | Fiction 1863 |
Written by | David Mickey Evans & Robert Gunter |
Runtime | 90 min |