Movies like Ju-on: The Curse to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Ju-on: The Curse with Ryôta Koyama, Yue, Yumi Yoshiyuki & Yūrei Yanagi & created by Takashi Shimizu?

Movies like Ju-on: The Curse with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ju-on: The Curse?

A teacher visits the house of one of his students after the boy goes missing, only to have a horrifying excuse for his absence from school.
Its release date is Friday February 11, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Curse, Curses Fiction, Fear, Ghost, Haunted House, Horror, Stalker & Vengeful Ghost
Genre Horror
Country Japan
Director Takashi Shimizu
Starring Ryôta Koyama, Yue, Yumi Yoshiyuki & Yūrei Yanagi
Written by Takashi Shimizu
Cinematography Nobuhito Kisuki
Music Geirî Ashiya
Runtime 70 min

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Tomie: Re-birth
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Other Horror movies written by Takashi Shimizu

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Ju-on: The Grudge 2
6.4/10 | By Takashi Shimizu
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Howling Village | Feb 7th, 2020

Howling Village
4.9/10 | By Takashi Shimizu
Japan | Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes