Movies like Junior Size 36 to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Junior Size 36 with Berta Domínguez D., Delphine Zentout, Jean-Pierre Léaud & Olivier Parnière & created by Catherine Breillat?
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A night in the life of a young woman who wishes to learn and experience more of life. The men she meets have as much to learn from her as they can offer her, or more.
Its release date is Thursday March 3, 1988
Its release date is Thursday March 3, 1988
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Age Difference, Beach, First Time, Lolita, parent child relationship, Puberty, Sex & Sibling Relationship |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Country | France |
Director | Catherine Breillat |
Starring | Berta Domínguez D., Delphine Zentout, Jean-Pierre Léaud & Olivier Parnière |
Written by | Catherine Breillat (novel), Catherine Breillat (scenario) & Roger Salloch (adaptation) |
Cinematography | Laurent Dailland |
Music | Maxime Schmitt |
Runtime | 88 min |
Other Drama movies by Catherine Breillat
Last Summer | Sep 13th, 2023
6.3/10 | By Catherine Breillat
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Romance | Apr 13th, 1999
5.3/10 | By Catherine Breillat
France | Drama & Romance
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Other Drama movies written by Catherine Breillat (novel)
Anatomy of Hell | Jan 28th, 2004
4.5/10 | By Catherine Breillat
France | Drama
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