Movies like Jurassic Attack to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Science Fiction movie Jurassic Attack with Corin Nemec, Gary Stretch, Michael Worth & Vernon Wells & created by Anthony Fankhauser?

Movies like Jurassic Attack with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Jurassic Attack?

A group of soldiers attempting to rescue a hostage from a terrorist crash land into unfamiliar jungles which are inhabited by a group of long hidden dinosaurs.
Its release date is Wednesday February 22, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Dinosaur, Dinosaurs, Helicopter Crash, Lost World, Mad scientist, Siblings & Tyrannosaurus Rex
Genre Action & Science Fiction
Director Anthony Fankhauser
Starring Corin Nemec, Gary Stretch, Michael Worth & Vernon Wells
Place Costa Rica, Dominican Republic & Montana
Location California & Dominican Republic
Written by Rafael Jordan
Runtime 83 min

Other Action movies by Anthony Fankhauser

2012: Supernova | Oct 27th, 2009

2012: Supernova
2.2/10 | By Anthony Fankhauser
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Other Action movies written by Rafael Jordan

Poseidon Rex | Apr 18th, 2014

Poseidon Rex
2.5/10 | By Mark L. Lester
The United States | Action & Science Fiction
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Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs | May 19th, 2015

Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs
2.7/10 | By Ari Novak
United States of America | Action & Science Fiction
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Jabberwock Dragon Siege | Sep 9th, 2011

Jabberwock Dragon Siege
3.5/10 | By Steven R. Monroe
Canada & The United States | Action, Adventure & Fantasy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Tubi TV