Movies like Just My Luck to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy & Romance movie Just My Luck with Chris Pine, Lindsay Lohan, Missi Pyle & Samaire Armstrong & created by Donald Petrie?

Movies like Just My Luck with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Just My Luck?

Manhattanite Ashley is known to many as the luckiest woman around. After a chance encounter with a down-and-out young man, however, she realizes that she's swapped her fortune for his.

TAGLINE: "Everything changed in the wink of an eye."

Its release date is Friday May 12, 2006

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alcohol Abuse, Bad luck, Celebration, Chance encounters, Envy, Jinx, Kiss, Luck, Musical Groups & Romantic Comedy
Genre Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Donald Petrie
Starring Chris Pine, Lindsay Lohan, Missi Pyle & Samaire Armstrong
Place New York City
Location Los Angeles, New Orleans & New York City
Written by Amy Harris (screenplay), I. Marlene King (screenplay), I. Marlene King (story), James Greer (story), Jonathan Bernstein (story) & Mark Blackwell (story)
Cinematography Dean Semler
Music Teddy Castellucci
Runtime 103 min

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