Movies like Kangaroo Jack: G’Day, U.S.A.! to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation & Family movie Kangaroo Jack: G’Day, U.S.A.! with Ahmed Best, Jeff Bennett, Josh Keaton & Kath Soucie & created by Ron Myrick?
Movies like Kangaroo Jack: G’Day, U.S.A.! with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Kangaroo Jack: G’Day, U.S.A.!?
When poachers kidnap Jackie Legs from the Australian Outback, his friends leap into action! Their attempts to save him route them back to the U.S. into the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas.
Its release date is Tuesday November 16, 2004
Its release date is Tuesday November 16, 2004
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Animals, Kangaroos Wallabies & Revenge |
Genre | Animation & Family |
Country | The United States |
Director | Ron Myrick |
Starring | Ahmed Best, Jeff Bennett, Josh Keaton & Kath Soucie |
Place | Australia, Northern Territory & South Australia |
Time | 1982 & 2002 |
Location | Sydney |
Written by | Adam Scheinman & Andrew Scheinman |
Cinematography | Peter Menzies Jr. |
Music | Randall Crissman & Trevor Rabin |
Runtime | 75 min |