Movies like Kikujiro to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Family movie Kikujiro with Kayoko Kishimoto, Takeshi Kitano, Yûko Daike, Yusuke Sekiguchi & 关口雄介 & created by Takeshi Kitano?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Kikujiro?
A young, naive boy sets out alone on the road to find his wayward mother. Soon he finds an unlikely protector in a crotchety man and the two have a series of unexpected adventures along the way.
Its release date is Saturday June 5, 1999
Its release date is Saturday June 5, 1999
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Disappearance, Hitchhike, Japan, Loser, Road Trip, Summer, Travel & Trip |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Family |
Country | Japan |
Director | Takeshi Kitano |
Starring | Kayoko Kishimoto, Takeshi Kitano, Yûko Daike, Yusuke Sekiguchi & 关口雄介 |
Location | Tokyo |
Written by | Takeshi Kitano |
Cinematography | Katsumi Yanagishima |
Music | Joe Hisaishi |
Runtime | 122 min |