Movies like Kin to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Science Fiction movie Kin with Dennis Quaid, Jack Reynor, Myles Truitt & Zoë Kravitz & created by Jonathan Baker & Josh Baker?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Kin?

Chased by a vengeful criminal, the feds and a gang of otherworldly soldiers, a recently released ex-con, and his adopted teenage brother are forced to go on the run with a weapon of mysterious origin as their only protection.

TAGLINE: "All He Needed Was a Way Out"

Its release date is Wednesday August 29, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Short Film, Brothers, Detroit, High Technology, Parole, Strip Club & Weapon
Genre Action & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Jonathan Baker & Josh Baker
Starring Dennis Quaid, Jack Reynor, Myles Truitt & Zoë Kravitz
Written by Daniel Casey (screenplay by), Jonathan Baker (based on the short film "Bag Man" by) & Josh Baker (based on the short film "Bag Man" by)
Music Mogwai
Runtime 102 min