Movies like Kingdom: Ashin of the North to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Fantasy movie Kingdom: Ashin of the North with Jun Ji-hyun, Kim Roi-ha, Kim Si-a & Park Byung-eun & created by Seong-hun Kim?

Movies like Kingdom: Ashin of the North with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Kingdom: Ashin of the North?

A backstory the origin of the resurrection plant and the mystery behind Ashin's identity.

TAGLINE: "And so it begins."

Its release date is Friday July 23, 2021

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cannibalism Fiction, Family, Joseon Dynasty, Revenge, Tribe & Zombie
Genre Action, Drama & Fantasy
Country South Korea
Director Seong-hun Kim
Starring Jun Ji-hyun, Kim Roi-ha, Kim Si-a & Park Byung-eun
Place Television Series Joseon Dynasty
Written by Eun-hee Kim (screenwriter)
Runtime 92 min

Other Action movies by Seong-hun Kim

Tunnel | Aug 10th, 2016

6.9/10 | By Seong-hun Kim
South Korea | Action, Drama & Thriller
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