Movies like Kokowääh 2 to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Kokowääh 2 with Emma Schweiger, Jasmin Gerat, Samuel Finzi & Til Schweiger & created by Til Schweiger & Torsten Künstler(co-director)?
Movies like Kokowääh 2 with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Kokowääh 2?
Henry,his daughter Magda,his girlfriend Katharina and their newborn son live together happily,but everything starts to change when Katherina decides to live separately for a while.
Its release date is Sunday January 27, 2013
Its release date is Sunday January 27, 2013
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Filmmaking |
Genre | Comedy |
Country | Germany |
Director | Til Schweiger & Torsten Künstler(co-director) |
Starring | Emma Schweiger, Jasmin Gerat, Samuel Finzi & Til Schweiger |
Place | Berlin |
Written by | Béla Jarzyk (screenplay) & Til Schweiger (screenplay) |
Cinematography | * Adrian Cranage * Erik Lee Steingröver |
Music | * Dirk Reichardt * Martin Todsharow |
Runtime | 122 min |