Movies like La novia de América to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie La novia de América with Diana Bovio, Eduardo Casanova, Miren Ibarguren & Pol Monen & created by Alfonso Albacete?
Movies like La novia de América with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of La novia de América?
Follows Ana and Tono, two Spanish siblings who receive the surprising news that their father is marrying a woman he met online, so they travel to Mexico to attend the wedding, but what they find is not what they expected.
Its release date is Friday February 17, 2023
Its release date is Friday February 17, 2023
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Country | Spain |
Director | Alfonso Albacete |
Starring | Diana Bovio, Eduardo Casanova, Miren Ibarguren & Pol Monen |
Written by | Alfonso Albacete & Charo Albacete |
Runtime | N/A |