Movies like L’Amour Fou to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie L’Amour Fou with Bulle Ogier, Celia, Jean-Pierre Kalfon & Josée Destoop & created by Jacques Rivette?
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During the rehearsals for the production of the tragedy Andromaque, the leading actress and her director, a couple behind the scenes, can't find a way to leave their personal problems at ...
Its release date is Wednesday January 15, 1969
Its release date is Wednesday January 15, 1969
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Director, Improvisation, Long Take & Play |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Country | France |
Director | Jacques Rivette |
Starring | Bulle Ogier, Celia, Jean-Pierre Kalfon & Josée Destoop |
Written by | Jacques Rivette (screenplay) & Marilù Parolini (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Alain Levent |
Music | Jean Claude Éloy |
Runtime | 252 min |
Other Drama movies by Jacques Rivette
Secret Defense | Mar 18th, 1998
7.3/10 | By Jacques Rivette
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No streaming sources available just yet
Va Savoir (Who Knows?) | Sep 28th, 2001
7.0/10 | By Jacques Rivette
France & Italy | Comedy, Crime & Drama