Movies like L’Amour Fou to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie L’Amour Fou with Bulle Ogier, Celia, Jean-Pierre Kalfon & Josée Destoop & created by Jacques Rivette?

Movies like L’Amour Fou with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of L’Amour Fou?

During the rehearsals for the production of the tragedy Andromaque, the leading actress and her director, a couple behind the scenes, can't find a way to leave their personal problems at ...
Its release date is Wednesday January 15, 1969

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Director, Improvisation, Long Take & Play
Genre Drama & Romance
Country France
Director Jacques Rivette
Starring Bulle Ogier, Celia, Jean-Pierre Kalfon & Josée Destoop
Written by Jacques Rivette (screenplay) & Marilù Parolini (screenplay)
Cinematography Alain Levent
Music Jean Claude Éloy
Runtime 252 min

Other Drama movies by Jacques Rivette

Secret Defense | Mar 18th, 1998

Secret Defense
7.3/10 | By Jacques Rivette
France | Crime & Drama
No streaming sources available just yet

La Belle Noiseuse | Sep 4th, 1991

La Belle Noiseuse
7.8/10 | By Jacques Rivette
France & Switzerland | Drama
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