Movies like Land and Freedom to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, History & War movie Land and Freedom with Frédéric Pierrot, Ian Hart, Icíar Bollaín & Rosana Pastor & created by Ken Loach?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Land and Freedom?

David is an unemployed communist that comes to Spain in 1937 during the civil war to enroll the republicans and defend the democracy against the fascists. He makes friends between the soldiers.

TAGLINE: "The fight against fascism begins with the fight against Stalinism."

Its release date is Sunday January 1, 1995

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anarchism, Anarchist, Communism, Communist, Fascism, Revolution, Solidarity, Spain, Spanish Civil War & Worker
Genre Drama, History & War
Country France & Germany
Director Ken Loach
Starring Frédéric Pierrot, Ian Hart, Icíar Bollaín & Rosana Pastor
Place Barcelona
Written by Jim Allen (screenplay)
Cinematography Barry Ackroyd
Music George Fenton
Runtime 109 min

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Bread and Roses
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