Movies like Larceny to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime movie Larceny with Dan Duryea, Joan Caulfield, John Payne & Shelley Winters & created by George Sherman?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Larceny?
A con man sets out to swindle a widow out of the money she's received to build a memorial to her war-hero husband, but winds up falling in love with her instead.
Its release date is Friday September 3, 1948
Its release date is Friday September 3, 1948
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Con Man |
Genre | Crime |
Country | The United States |
Director | George Sherman |
Starring | Dan Duryea, Joan Caulfield, John Payne & Shelley Winters |
Written by | Herbert H. Margolis, John Fleming (novel), Lois Eby (novel), Lou Morheim & William Bowers |
Cinematography | Irving Glassberg |
Music | Leith Stevens |
Runtime | 89 min |