Movies like Le tempestaire to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Fantasy movie Le tempestaire with & created by Jean Epstein?
Movies like Le tempestaire with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Le tempestaire?
In a village in Brittany, a young maid and an old woman are spinning while the wind blows threateningly outdoors. In spite of the bad omen, the young maid's boyfriend decides to sail away. ...
Its release date is Wednesday November 12, 1947
Its release date is Wednesday November 12, 1947
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Sea, Seashore, Shore, Short & Tempest |
Genre | Drama & Fantasy |
Country | France |
Director | Jean Epstein |
Place | France |
Location | France |
Written by | N/A |
Cinematography | Albert Militon |
Music | Yves Baudrier |
Runtime | 22 min |
Other Drama movies by Jean Epstein
The Three-Sided Mirror | Jan 1st, 1927
7.2/10 | By Jean Epstein
France | Drama
No streaming sources available just yet
Other Drama movies written by N/A
Tisay | Nov 14th, 2016
7.9/10 | By Borgy Torre & Sigrid Andrea Bernardo
Philippines | Drama & Romance
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