Movies like Leatherheads to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie Leatherheads with George Clooney, John Krasinski, Renée Zellweger & Wayne Duvall & created by George Clooney?

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In 1925, an enterprising pro football player convinces America's too-good-to-be-true college football hero to play for his team and keep the league from going under.

TAGLINE: "If Love Is a Game, Who'll Make the First Pass?"

Its release date is Monday March 24, 2008

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Topic American Football, Coach, Games, Hero, Police, Sponsorship, Stadium & Success
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country Germany
Director George Clooney
Starring George Clooney, John Krasinski, Renée Zellweger & Wayne Duvall
Written by Duncan Brantley & Rick Reilly
Runtime 114 min