Movies like Liar Liar to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Liar Liar with Cary Elwes, Jennifer Tilly, Jim Carrey & Maura Tierney & created by Tom Shadyac?

Movies like Liar Liar with the highest similarity score

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A fast-track lawyer can't lie for 24 hours due to his son's birthday wish after he turns his son down for the last time.

TAGLINE: "Trust me."

Its release date is Friday March 21, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 1990s, Birthday, California, Dysfunctional Families, Lawyers, Lie, Pregnancy And Birth, Wish, Wish Fulfillment & Workaholic
Genre Comedy
Country The United States
Director Tom Shadyac
Starring Cary Elwes, Jennifer Tilly, Jim Carrey & Maura Tierney
Place Los Angeles
Location California
Written by Paul Guay & Stephen Mazur
Cinematography Russell Boyd
Music John Debney
Runtime 86 min

Other Comedy movies by Tom Shadyac

Frankenstein: The College Years
4.8/10 | By Tom Shadyac
United States of America | Comedy & Science Fiction
No streaming sources available just yet

Ace Ventura | Feb 4th, 1994

Ace Ventura
6.9/10 | By David Mickey Evans & Tom Shadyac
The United States | Comedy & Mystery
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The Nutty Professor | Jun 26th, 1996

The Nutty Professor
5.6/10 | By Tom Shadyac
The United States | Comedy, Fantasy & Romance
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

Other Comedy movies written by Paul Guay

Heartbreakers | Mar 23rd, 2001

6.2/10 | By David Mirkin
The United States | Comedy, Crime & Romance
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