Movies like Little Tony to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Little Tony with Alex van Warmerdam, Annet Malherbe, Ariane Schluter & Sebastiaan te Wierik & created by Alex van Warmerdam?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Little Tony?

Farmer Brand can't read and he is quite happy with that. His wife, Keet, who has to read him all the subtitles on the television, isn't. She decides to hire a teacher for him. This is a ...
Its release date is Thursday April 30, 1998

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Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The Netherlands
Director Alex van Warmerdam
Starring Alex van Warmerdam, Annet Malherbe, Ariane Schluter & Sebastiaan te Wierik
Written by Alex van Warmerdam
Runtime 95 min

Other Comedy movies by Alex van Warmerdam

Waiter | Sep 28th, 2006

7.0/10 | By Alex van Warmerdam
The Netherlands | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

The Northerners | Apr 17th, 1992

The Northerners
7.3/10 | By Alex van Warmerdam
Netherlands | Comedy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube

Other Comedy movies written by Alex van Warmerdam