Movies like Lorna, the Exorcist to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Lorna, the Exorcist with Guy Delorme, Jacqueline Laurent, Lina Romay & Pamela Stanford & created by Jesús Franco?

Movies like Lorna, the Exorcist with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Lorna, the Exorcist?

A man is tormented by an ex-lover, Lorna, who posseses a strange power over a women, including the man's daughter.

TAGLINE: "When her flesh begins to crawl... so will yours!"

Its release date is Wednesday December 18, 1974

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Daughter, Demon, French, Occult, Seduction, Sex & Temptress
Genre Horror
Country France
Director Jesús Franco
Starring Guy Delorme, Jacqueline Laurent, Lina Romay & Pamela Stanford
Written by Jesús Franco, Nicole Guettard & Robert de Nesle
Runtime 81 min

Other Horror movies by Jesús Franco

The Bloody Judge | Feb 5th, 1970

The Bloody Judge
5.2/10 | By Jesús Franco
Liechtenstein | Horror
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video iTunes

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