Movies like Love Me If You Dare to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie Love Me If You Dare with Guillaume Canet, Joséphine Lebas-Joly, Marion Cotillard & Thibault Verhaeghe & created by Yann Samuell?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Love Me If You Dare?

As adults, best friends Julien and Sophie continue the odd game they started as children -- a fearless competition to outdo one another with daring and outrageous stunts. While they often act out to relieve one another's pain, their game might be a way to avoid the fact that they are truly meant for one another.
Its release date is Wednesday September 17, 2003

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Belgium, Crush & Test Of Courage
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country Belgium & France
Director Yann Samuell
Starring Guillaume Canet, Joséphine Lebas-Joly, Marion Cotillard & Thibault Verhaeghe
Location Brussels
Written by Yann Samuell
Cinematography Antoine Roch
Music Philippe Rombi
Runtime 93 min

Other Comedy movies by Yann Samuell

My Sassy Girl | May 26th, 2008

My Sassy Girl
6.3/10 | By Yann Samuell
The United States | Comedy & Romance
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