Movies like Luxor to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Luxor with Andrea Riseborough, Karim Saleh, Michael Landes & Sherine Reda?
Movies like Luxor with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Luxor?
When British aid worker Hana returns to Luxor, a sleepy city on the banks of the Nile, she comes across Sultan, a talented archeologist and former lover. As she wanders, haunted by the familiar place, she struggles to reconcile the choices of the past with the uncertainty of the present.
Its release date is Monday January 27, 2020
When British aid worker Hana returns to Luxor, a sleepy city on the banks of the Nile, she comes across Sultan, a talented archeologist and former lover. As she wanders, haunted by the familiar place, she struggles to reconcile the choices of the past with the uncertainty of the present.
Its release date is Monday January 27, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama |
Country | Egypt |
Starring | Andrea Riseborough, Karim Saleh, Michael Landes & Sherine Reda |