Movies like Madam Satan to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Music & Romance movie Madam Satan with Kay Johnson, Lillian Roth, Reginald Denny & Roland Young & created by Cecil B. DeMille?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Madam Satan?
Angela and Bob Brooks are an upper class couple. Unfortunately, Bob is an unfaithful husband. But Angela has a plan to win back her husband's affections. An elaborate masquerade ball is to ...
Its release date is Saturday September 20, 1930
Its release date is Saturday September 20, 1930
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Disaster, Infidelity, Lightning, Marriage Crisis, Married Couple, Masked Ball, Parachute & Zeppelin |
Genre | Comedy, Music & Romance |
Country | The United States |
Director | Cecil B. DeMille |
Starring | Kay Johnson, Lillian Roth, Reginald Denny & Roland Young |
Place | New York City |
Written by | Elsie Janis (by), Gladys Unger (by) & Jeanie Macpherson (by) |
Cinematography | Harold Rosson |
Runtime | 116 min |