Movies like Mala Noche to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Mala Noche with Doug Cooeyate, Nyla McCarthy, Sam Downey & Tim Streeter & created by Gus Van Sant?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mala Noche?

A story of amour fou. Walt is madly in love/lust with a young illegal Mexican immigrant. However, the object of his unrequited affection doesn't even speak any English and finds Walt really...

TAGLINE: "If you fuck with the bull, you get the horn!"

Its release date is Wednesday February 5, 1986

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Gay, Homeless Person, Hunger, Immigration & Refugees, Individual, Portland, Salesclerk & Youth Hostel
Genre Drama
Country The United States
Director Gus Van Sant
Starring Doug Cooeyate, Nyla McCarthy, Sam Downey & Tim Streeter
Place Oregon & Portland
Location Oregon
Written by Gus Van Sant (screenplay) & Walt Curtis (story)
Cinematography John Campbell
Music Creighton Lindsay
Runtime 78 min

Other Drama movies by Gus Van Sant

Milk | Nov 26th, 2008

7.6/10 | By Gus Van Sant
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Good Will Hunting | Dec 5th, 1997

Good Will Hunting
8.3/10 | By Gus Van Sant
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Paranoid Park | May 21st, 2007

Paranoid Park
6.7/10 | By Gus Van Sant
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Other Drama movies written by Gus Van Sant (screenplay)

Drugstore Cowboy | Sep 9th, 1989

Drugstore Cowboy
7.4/10 | By Gus Van Sant
The United States | Crime & Drama
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Paranoid Park | May 21st, 2007

Paranoid Park
6.7/10 | By Gus Van Sant
France & The United States | Crime, Drama & Mystery
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video