Movies like Malibu Express to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Comedy movie Malibu Express with Art Metrano, Darby Hinton, Shelley Taylor Morgan & Sybil Danning & created by Andy Sidaris?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Malibu Express?

A womanizing private detective is assigned the task of investigating who is behind the hi-tech computer technology leaks to the Russians.

TAGLINE: "Packing Heat From Texas To Malibu Beach"

Its release date is Friday March 1, 1985

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Amateur Detective, Assassination, Boat, Car Race, Hawaii, Helicopter, Texas & Transvestism
Genre Action, Adventure & Comedy
Country United States of America
Director Andy Sidaris
Starring Art Metrano, Darby Hinton, Shelley Taylor Morgan & Sybil Danning
Location Los Angeles
Written by Andy Sidaris
Runtime 105 min