Movies like Malibu Shark Attack to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Horror & Science Fiction movie Malibu Shark Attack with Chelan Simmons, Mungo McKay, Nicholas G. Cooper & Sonya Salomaa & created by David Lister?

Movies like Malibu Shark Attack with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Malibu Shark Attack?

A tsunami floods Malibu and unleashes a hunting pack of deep-water prehistoric goblin sharks, targeting a group of lifeguards trapped in their half-submerged station on stilts and a team of construction workers stranded in a flooded house.
Its release date is Saturday July 25, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Malibu, Shark, Shark Attack, Shark Attacks, Sharks & Shark Attacks & Tsunami
Genre Action, Horror & Science Fiction
Country Canada
Director David Lister
Starring Chelan Simmons, Mungo McKay, Nicholas G. Cooper & Sonya Salomaa
Written by Keith Shaw
Runtime 88 min

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