Movies like Mandala to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Mandala with Ahn Sung-Ki, Chon Moo-song & Kim Jong-su & created by Kwon-taek Im?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mandala?
A story that follows the lives and interactions of two Buddhist monks living in South Korea.
Its release date is Saturday September 12, 1981
Its release date is Saturday September 12, 1981
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Buddhism, Korea & Mandala |
Genre | Drama |
Country | South Korea |
Director | Kwon-taek Im |
Starring | Ahn Sung-Ki, Chon Moo-song & Kim Jong-su |
Written by | Kil-han Song, Sang-hyon Lee & Song-dong Kim (novel) |
Cinematography | Jeong Il seong |
Music | Kim Chong gil |
Runtime | 117 min |