Movies like Maniac to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Maniac with Abigail Clayton, Caroline Munro, Joe Spinell & Kelly Piper & created by William Lustig?

Movies like Maniac with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Maniac?

A psychopath, troubled by his childhood abuse, loose in New York City, kills young women and takes their scalps as his trophies. Will he find the perfect woman in a photographer, and end his killing spree?

TAGLINE: "I warned you not to go out tonight."

Its release date is Friday November 7, 1980

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cult Favorite, Gore, Grindhouse, Mannequin, Mannequins, Model, Obscenity Controversies, Park, Sadism & Shotgun
Genre Horror
Country The United States
Director William Lustig
Starring Abigail Clayton, Caroline Munro, Joe Spinell & Kelly Piper
Place New York City
Location New York City
Written by C.A. Rosenberg (screenplay), Joe Spinell (screenplay) & Joe Spinell (story)
Cinematography Robert Lindsay
Music Jay Chattaway
Runtime 87 min

Other Horror movies by William Lustig

Maniac Cop | May 13th, 1988

Maniac Cop
6.0/10 | By William Lustig
The United States | Action, Horror & Thriller
Vudu Microsoft Playstation

Maniac Cop 2 | Dec 13th, 1990

Maniac Cop 2
5.9/10 | By William Lustig
The United States | Action, Horror & Thriller
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