Movies like Manitou’s Shoe to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Western movie Manitou’s Shoe with Christian Tramitz, Marie Bäumer, Michael Herbig & Sky du Mont & created by Michael Herbig?

Movies like Manitou’s Shoe with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Manitou’s Shoe?

Abahachi, Chief of the Apache Indians, and his blood brother Ranger maintain peace and justice in the Wild West. One day, Abahachi needs to take up a credit from the Shoshone Indians to ...
Its release date is Wednesday July 11, 2001

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Apache, Indian Territory, Native American, Parody & Twin Brothers
Genre Comedy & Western
Country Germany
Director Michael Herbig
Starring Christian Tramitz, Marie Bäumer, Michael Herbig & Sky du Mont
Location Almerí
Written by Alfons Biedermann, Michael Herbig, Murmel Clausen & Rick Kavanian
Music Garth Stevenson & Ralf Wengenmayr
Runtime 87 min

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Bullyparade: The Movie
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Bullyparade: The Movie
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