Movies like Maqsad to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Maqsad with Jaya Prada, Jeetendra, Rajesh Khanna & Sridevi & created by K. Bapaiah?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Maqsad?

A wealthy industrialist is murdered and the blame falls on a person who hails from a poor family. To prove his innocence, he must strive hard to prove and gather evidence that clears him of this crime.
Its release date is Thursday April 26, 1984

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Director K. Bapaiah
Starring Jaya Prada, Jeetendra, Rajesh Khanna & Sridevi
Written by Gopalakrishna Paruchuri, Kader Khan & Paruchuri Murali
Runtime 166 min