Movies like Marooned to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Drama & Science Fiction movie Marooned with David Janssen, Gregory Peck, James Franciscus & Richard Crenna & created by John Sturges?

Movies like Marooned with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Marooned?

Three American astronauts are stranded in space when their retros won't fire. Can they be rescued before their oxygen runs out?

TAGLINE: "Three marooned astronauts. Only 55 minutes left to rescue them. While the whole world watches and waits..."

Its release date is Thursday December 11, 1969

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Apollo Program, Astronaut, Astronauts, Hurricane, NASA, Orbit & Oxygen
Genre Adventure, Drama & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director John Sturges
Starring David Janssen, Gregory Peck, James Franciscus & Richard Crenna
Place Florida & Texas
Written by Martin Caidin (novel) & Mayo Simon (screenplay)
Runtime 134 min

Other Adventure movies by John Sturges

The Great Escape | Jun 20th, 1963

The Great Escape
8.2/10 | By John Sturges
United States of America | Adventure, Drama & History
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