Movies like Mars Attacks to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-fi & Science Fiction movie Mars Attacks with Annette Bening, Glenn Close, Jack Nicholson & Pierce Brosnan & created by Tim Burton?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mars Attacks?

Earth is invaded by Martians with unbeatable weapons and a cruel sense of humor.

TAGLINE: "Nice planet. We'll take it!"

Its release date is Thursday December 12, 1996

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alien Abduction & Alien Invasions, Alien Invasions, Ambassador, Cataclysm, Fictional Presidents Of United States, Laser Gun, Lasergun, Mars & Missions to Mars, Presidents Of United States, Saving The World, Total Destruction, Usa President & White House
Genre Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-fi & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Tim Burton
Starring Annette Bening, Glenn Close, Jack Nicholson & Pierce Brosnan
Place D.C., Kansas, Las Vegas Valley, Washington & White House
Written by Bob Powell (trading card series), Jonathan Gems (screen story), Jonathan Gems (screenplay), Len Brown (trading card series), Norman Saunders (trading card series), Wally Wood (trading card series) & Woody Gelman (trading card series)
Cinematography Peter Suschitzky
Music Danny Elfman
Runtime 106 min

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