Movies like Martin’s Close to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & TV Movie movie Martin’s Close with Elliot Levey, Peter Capaldi, Sara Crowe & Wilf Scolding & created by Mark Gatiss?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Martin’s Close?

John Martin is on trial for his life. Facing him, the infamous 'hanging judge', George Jeffreys. But this is not a cut-and-dried murder case, because the innocent young girl Martin is accused of killing has been seen after her death
Its release date is Tuesday December 24, 2019

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Topic Apparition, Court Case, Court Trial, Ghost, Ghost Story, Haunting, Judge & Trial
Genre Horror & TV Movie
Country United Kingdom
Director Mark Gatiss
Starring Elliot Levey, Peter Capaldi, Sara Crowe & Wilf Scolding
Written by M.R. James (story) & Mark Gatiss
Runtime 30 min