Movies like Mary, Queen of Scots to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Biographical, Drama, Historical & History movie Mary, Queen of Scots with Guy Pearce, Joe Alwyn, Margot Robbie & Saoirse Ronan & created by Josie Rourke?

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Mary Stuart's attempt to overthrow her cousin Elizabeth I, Queen of England, finds her condemned to years of imprisonment before facing execution.

TAGLINE: "Two queens, one future"

Its release date is Friday September 14, 2018

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Topic Biographical British Royalty, Biographical Scottish Royalty, Biography, Elizabeth I Of England, Family, Female Prisoner, Mary, Monarchy, Politics, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Of Scots, Royalty & Tudors
Genre Biographical, Drama, Historical & History
Country United Kingdom
Director Josie Rourke
Starring Guy Pearce, Joe Alwyn, Margot Robbie & Saoirse Ronan
Time 16th century
Location Edinburgh & Gloucestershire
Written by Beau Willimon (screenplay)
Cinematography John Mathieson (cinematographer)
Music Max Richter
Runtime N/A