Movies like Matango to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Matango with Hiroshi Koizumi, Kenji Sahara, Kumi Mizuno & Yoshio Tsuchiya & created by Ishirô Honda?

Movies like Matango with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Matango?

Shipwrecked survivors slowly transform into mushrooms.
Its release date is Sunday August 11, 1963

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Disfigurement, Greed, Island, Monster, Mushroom, Psychiatric Ward, Tokusatsu & Yacht
Genre Horror
Country Japan
Director Ishirô Honda
Starring Hiroshi Koizumi, Kenji Sahara, Kumi Mizuno & Yoshio Tsuchiya
Written by Masami Fukushima (adaptation), Shin'ichi Hoshi (adaptation), Takeshi Kimura (screenplay) & William Hope Hodgson (story "The Voice in the Night")
Runtime 89 min

Other Horror movies by Ishirô Honda

Godzilla | Nov 3rd, 1954

7.6/10 | By Ishirô Honda
Japan | Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
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Godzilla Raids Again | Apr 24th, 1955

Godzilla Raids Again
5.9/10 | By Ishirô Honda & Motoyoshi Oda
Japan | Action, Horror & Science Fiction
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