Movies like Measure of a Man to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Measure of a Man with Blake Cooper, Donald Sutherland, Judy Greer & Luke Wilson & created by Jim Loach?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Measure of a Man?

A bullied teen experiences a turning point summer in which he learns to stand up for himself.

TAGLINE: "Sometimes we have to fall down to grow up"

Its release date is Friday May 11, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bullying, Coming Of Age, Teenage Boy & Teenager
Genre Comedy & Drama
Director Jim Loach
Starring Blake Cooper, Donald Sutherland, Judy Greer & Luke Wilson
Location Rhode Island
Written by David Scearce (screenplay) & Robert Lipsyte (novel)
Cinematography Denson Baker
Music Tim Wheeler
Runtime N/A