Movies like Mega Cyclone to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Science Fiction & TV Movie movie Mega Cyclone with Brett Dier, David Sutcliffe, Leah Cairns & Mitch Pileggi & created by Sheldon Wilson?

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Epic storms triggered by a space phenomenon obliterate cities, and the only answer to escaping complete annihilation rests on a small-town teen's extraordinary science project.

TAGLINE: "No Escaping The End of the World"

Its release date is Thursday December 29, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Disaster, Hurricane, Jupiter & Storm
Genre Action, Science Fiction & TV Movie
Country Canada
Director Sheldon Wilson
Starring Brett Dier, David Sutcliffe, Leah Cairns & Mitch Pileggi
Written by David Ray & Sheldon Wilson
Runtime 89 min

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