Movies like Mega Snake to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Mega Snake with John T. Woods, Michael Shanks, Michal Yannai & Siri Baruc & created by Tibor Takács?

Movies like Mega Snake with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mega Snake?

In 1986, in Tennessee, the father of the boys Lester and Duff Daniels is murdered by a snake in a weird ceremony. Twenty years later, Duff collects snakes while Les fears them. One day, ...
Its release date is Saturday July 28, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Snakes
Genre Horror
Director Tibor Takács
Starring John T. Woods, Michael Shanks, Michal Yannai & Siri Baruc
Location Bulgaria
Written by Alexander Volz, Boaz Davidson (story) & Robby Robinson
Cinematography Emil Topuzov
Runtime 90 min

Other Horror movies by Tibor Takács

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3.5/10 | By Tibor Takács
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Amazon Prime Video

The Gate | Apr 21st, 1987

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6.1/10 | By Tibor Takács
Canada | Fantasy & Horror
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