Movies like Mickey Plays Papa to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation movie Mickey Plays Papa with Walt Disney & created by Burt Gillett?

Movies like Mickey Plays Papa with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mickey Plays Papa?

Mickey Mouse and Pluto find themselves in charge of a baby who was left on their doorstep.
Its release date is Friday September 28, 1934

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Topic Animated Orphans, Entertainers & Theatre
Genre Animation
Country The United States
Director Burt Gillett
Starring Walt Disney
Written by N/A
Runtime 8 min

Other Animation movies by Burt Gillett

Mickey’s Gala Premier | Jul 1st, 1933

Mickey’s Gala Premier
7.2/10 | By Burt Gillett
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet

The Wayward Canary | Nov 12th, 1932

The Wayward Canary
6.4/10 | By Burt Gillett
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet

The Mad Dog | Mar 5th, 1932

The Mad Dog
6.9/10 | By Burt Gillett
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Animation movies written by N/A

Jerry and Jumbo | Feb 21st, 1953

Jerry and Jumbo
7.8/10 | By Joseph Barbera & William Hanna
The United States | Animation & Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Das wiedergefundene Paradies
6.5/10 | By Lotte Lendesdorff & Walter Ruttmann
Germany | Animation & Drama
No streaming sources available just yet

Mickey’s Pal Pluto | Feb 18th, 1933

Mickey’s Pal Pluto
6.9/10 | By Burt Gillett
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet