Movies like Mickey’s Choo-Choo to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation movie Mickey’s Choo-Choo with & created by Ub Iwerks?

Movies like Mickey’s Choo-Choo with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mickey’s Choo-Choo?

Mickey is a railroad engineer with an anthropomorphic locomotive. He feeds the train (coal), then feeds his dog, then makes lunch for himself. Minnie drops by and plays a tune on her fiddle...
Its release date is Monday September 30, 1929

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animated Trains
Genre Animation
Country The United States
Director Ub Iwerks
Written by N/A
Runtime 7 min

Other Animation movies by Ub Iwerks

Mickey’s Follies | Aug 28th, 1929

Mickey’s Follies
6.1/10 | By Ub Iwerks & Wilfred Jackson
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Animation movies written by N/A

Touchdown Mickey | Oct 14th, 1932

Touchdown Mickey
6.9/10 | By Wilfred Jackson
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet

The Cactus Kid | May 14th, 1930

The Cactus Kid
6.6/10 | By Walt Disney
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet

Mickey’s Mellerdrammer | Mar 17th, 1933

Mickey’s Mellerdrammer
6.4/10 | By Wilfred Jackson
The United States | Animation
No streaming sources available just yet