Movies like Mickey’s House of Villains to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Family movie Mickey’s House of Villains with Jeff Bennett, Susanne Blakeslee, Tony Anselmo & Wayne Allwine & created by Burt Gillett, Jack Hannah, Jack King, Jamie Mitchell, Mike Moon, Rick Calabash, Roberts Gannaway & Tony Craig?
Movies like Mickey’s House of Villains with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mickey’s House of Villains?
The villains from the popular animated Disney films are gathered at the House of Mouse with plans to take over. Soon, the villains take over the house and kick out Mickey, Donald and Goofy....
Its release date is Tuesday September 3, 2002
Its release date is Tuesday September 3, 2002
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Mickey Mouse & Wretch |
Genre | Comedy & Family |
Country | The United States |
Director | Burt Gillett, Jack Hannah, Jack King, Jamie Mitchell, Mike Moon, Rick Calabash, Roberts Gannaway & Tony Craig |
Starring | Jeff Bennett, Susanne Blakeslee, Tony Anselmo & Wayne Allwine |
Written by | Elizabeth Stonecipher, Henry Gilroy, Jymn Magon, Kevin Campbell, Roberts Gannaway & Thomas Hart |
Runtime | 70 min |