Movies like Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation & Family movie Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas with Bill Farmer, Jim Cummings, Tony Anselmo & Wayne Allwine & created by Carole Holliday, Matthew O'Callaghan & Theresa Cullen?
Movies like Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas?
Sequel to Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas
Its release date is Thursday January 1, 2004
Its release date is Thursday January 1, 2004
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Holiday & Woman Director |
Genre | Animation & Family |
Country | The United States |
Director | Carole Holliday, Matthew O'Callaghan & Theresa Cullen |
Starring | Bill Farmer, Jim Cummings, Tony Anselmo & Wayne Allwine |
Written by | Bill Motz (screenplay), Bob Roth (screenplay), Carole Holliday (screenplay), Carole Holliday (story), Chad Fiveash (screenplay), Chad Fiveash (story), Colin Goldman (story), James Patrick Stoteraux (screenplay), James Patrick Stoteraux (story), Jim Bernstein (screenplay), Jim Peronto (screenplay), Matthew O'Callaghan (screenplay), Matthew O'Callaghan (story), Michael Shipley (screenplay), Peggy Holmes (screenplay), Peggy Holmes (story), Shirley Pierce (screenplay) & Theresa Cullen (story) |
Music | Stephen James Taylor |
Runtime | 68 min |