Movies like Mile 22 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action movie Mile 22 with John Malkovich, Lauren Cohan, Mark Wahlberg & Ronda Jean Rousey & created by Peter Berg?

Movies like Mile 22 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mile 22?

An elite American intelligence officer, aided by a top-secret tactical command unit, tries to smuggle a mysterious police officer with sensitive information out of the country.

TAGLINE: "Option 1: Diplomacy. Option 2: Military. Meet Option 3."

Its release date is Friday August 10, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic F Word, Handheld Camera, Intelligence Officer, Macho, Political Corruption, Tactical Command Unit, The CIA & Top Secret
Genre Action
Country United States of America
Director Peter Berg
Starring John Malkovich, Lauren Cohan, Mark Wahlberg & Ronda Jean Rousey
Place Indonesia
Location Atlanta & Colombia
Written by Graham Roland (story by), Lea Carpenter (screenplay by) & Lea Carpenter (story by)
Cinematography Jacques Jouffret
Music Jeff Russo
Runtime 95 min

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