Movies like Milionari to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie Milionari with Carmine Recano, Francesco Di Leva, Francesco Scianna & Valentina Lodovini & created by Alessandro Piva?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Milionari?

The rise and fall of a Camorra clan in Naples, told through the eyes of a crime boss and his family. Thirty years of a man's life, thirty years in the history of one of the most beautiful and controversial cities on Earth: Naples.
Its release date is Sunday October 19, 2014

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Topic Biography
Genre Crime & Drama
Country Italy
Director Alessandro Piva
Starring Carmine Recano, Francesco Di Leva, Francesco Scianna & Valentina Lodovini
Written by Alessandro Piva, Giacomo Gensini, Giacomo Gensini (book), Luigi Alberto Cannavale (book), Massimo Gaudioso & Stefano Sardo (story)
Runtime 100 min