Movies like Mirror to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & History movie Mirror with Alla Demidova, Margarita Terekhova, Nikolay Grinko & Oleg Yankovskiy & created by Andrei Tarkovsky?

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A dying man in his forties remembers his past. His childhood, his mother, the war, personal moments and things that tell of the recent history of all the Russian nation.
Its release date is Friday March 7, 1975

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Memoirs
Genre Drama & History
Country Russia
Director Andrei Tarkovsky
Starring Alla Demidova, Margarita Terekhova, Nikolay Grinko & Oleg Yankovskiy
Place Russia
Time 1935, 1940s & 1969
Written by Aleksandr Misharin & Andrei Tarkovsky
Cinematography Georgi Rerberg
Music Eduard Artemyev
Runtime 107 min

Other Drama movies by Andrei Tarkovsky

Solaris | Mar 20th, 1972

8.1/10 | By Andrei Tarkovsky
Russia | Adventure, Drama & Science Fiction
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Nostalgia | May 1st, 1983

8.2/10 | By Andrei Tarkovsky
Soviet Union | Drama & Romance
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