Movies like Missile to the Moon to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction movie Missile to the Moon with Cathy Downs, K.T. Stevens, Richard Travis & Tommy Cook & created by Richard E. Cunha?

Movies like Missile to the Moon with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Missile to the Moon?

Escaped convicts Gary and Lon are caught hiding in a rocket by scientist Dirk Green, who forces them to pilot the ship to the moon. Dirk, who's secretly a moon being, wants to return to his...

TAGLINE: "Lunar She-Devils Lure Earthmen Into Their Lair of Doom!"

Its release date is Saturday November 15, 1958

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Topic Giant Spider, Independent Film, Monster, Moon, Moon Landing, Remake, Space, Space Travel & Spiders
Genre Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Richard E. Cunha
Starring Cathy Downs, K.T. Stevens, Richard Travis & Tommy Cook
Location California
Written by H.E. Barrie (screenplay) & Vincent Fotre (screenplay)
Runtime 78 min

Other Science Fiction movies by Richard E. Cunha

She Demons | Jan 1st, 1958

She Demons
4.4/10 | By Richard E. Cunha
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Other Science Fiction movies written by H.E. Barrie (screenplay)

She Demons | Jan 1st, 1958

She Demons
4.4/10 | By Richard E. Cunha
The United States | Horror & Science Fiction
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video