Movies like Mockingbird Lane to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Fantasy movie Mockingbird Lane with Charity Wakefield, Jerry O'Connell, Mason Cook & Portia de Rossi & created by Bryan Singer?

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Grandpa Sam Dracula is essentially Dracula who assembled Herman because no man was good enough for his daughter Lily, a sexy vamp. Lily's niece Marilyn the freak is actually normal and Lily...
Its release date is Friday October 26, 2012

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Genre Comedy & Fantasy
Director Bryan Singer
Starring Charity Wakefield, Jerry O'Connell, Mason Cook & Portia de Rossi
Written by Allan Burns (format "The Munsters"), Bryan Fuller, Chris Hayward (format "The Munsters"), Ed Haas (written by "The Munsters") & Norm Liebmann (written by "The Munsters")
Cinematography Guillermo Navarro
Runtime 40 min