Movies like Mom or Dad? to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Mom or Dad? with Antonio Albanese, Carlo Buccirosso, Luca Angeletti & Paola Cortellesi & created by Brian Taylor (filmmaker) & Riccardo Milani?
Movies like Mom or Dad? with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mom or Dad??
A divorced couple fights for the custody of their three children: neither of them wants it. Mom wants to leave them to dad, and vice versa.
Its release date is Tuesday February 14, 2017
Its release date is Tuesday February 14, 2017
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy |
Country | Italy |
Director | Brian Taylor (filmmaker) & Riccardo Milani |
Starring | Antonio Albanese, Carlo Buccirosso, Luca Angeletti & Paola Cortellesi |
Written by | Giulia Calenda, Paola Cortellesi & Riccardo Milani |
Cinematography | Daniel Pearl (cinematographer) |
Music | Mr. Bill (musician) |
Runtime | N/A |